Law Office of Michael L. Fell
900 Roosevelt Irvine, CA 92620
(949) 585-9055


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An expert sexting defense is key to preventing your teen from being labeled a sex offender.

Teenagers. Hormones. Smartphones. It seems like a recipe for trouble. It’s really not so surprising that teens can display questionable judgment and exchange risqué or even downright pornographic photos of themselves via text. In fact, the FBI estimates that 1 in 6 teens aged 12 to 17 has taken part in “sexting.”

The trouble is, California law is very strict on the distribution of sexually charged images of minors. In some cases—albeit rare—sexting could actually result in a juvenile being charged as an adult for sending, receiving, or distributing child pornography. In a worst case scenario, this could result in the perpetrator having to register as a sex offender for the rest of their life.

Don’t Let Sexting Put Your Child on the Sex Offender List

When it comes to a sexting charge, the skill of your juvenile defense attorney can mean the difference between your child’s name going on a public sex offender registry and your child being able to put the incident behind them.

One important way your sexting defense attorney can help is by trying to keep the sexting case in the juvenile system. Occasionally, older teens may be tried as an adult for sexting (and other sex crimes), in which case sex offender registration would be mandatory upon conviction. But in the juvenile system, there is hope for a better outcome.

Why Trust Michael L. Fell With Your Sexting Defense

Michael L. Fell is an experienced juvenile defense attorney who excels in negotiating for “creative sentencing” that will not only keep them from being incarcerated for sexting, but also prevent the devastating experience of being labeled a sex offender for life.

To learn more about how Michael L. Fell can help with your sexting case, please call us at (949) 585-9055 now.