Case Results
- Battery Case Against A Father Protecting His Minor Son Case Dropped By Police
Case Dropped By Police
- Felony Domestic Violence Arrest
Case Dropped Before Court!
- Felony 2nd Time DUI with Accident
Reduced to a MisdemeanorNo Jail Time Served!
- Ex-Airline Captain Arrested for Drunk in Public
Case Dismissed
- Soccer Mom Arrested for Possession of Drugs with Prior
Case Dismissed
- .12 DUI
DUI DismissedPleaded Guilty to Wet reckless
- 2nd Time DUI
DUI Dismissed,
Pleaded Guilty to Wet RecklessNo Jail Time
- Athletic Coach
Drunk in publicCase Dismissed
- Juvenile Assault & Inciting a Riot
Intervened with probationNo criminal filing
- Felony Criminal Threats by a Business Owner
In custody with $100,000 bailCase dismissed all charges!
- Misdemeanor Minor in Possession of Alcohol – maximum sentence 6 months in jail and $1,000 fine plus penalty assessment.
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor evading police (Mandatory min. 6 mos. in jail)
Reduced to reckless driving
- Brandishing a replica gun (Mandatory min. 30 days in jail)
Case dismissed
- Misdemeanor DUI open container involving a minor
DUI dismissed, open container dismissed, case reduced to wet reckless
- Misdemeanor petty theft
Case dismissed
- Felony forged prescription
Negotiated with police, no criminal charges filed
- Felony possession of hash
- Felony vandalism
Case dismissed
- Misdemeanor public intoxication
- Possession of a deadly weapon
- Misdemeanor 3rd time DUI
Home confinement
- Misdemeanor identity theft and fraudulent use of access card
All counts dismissed
- Misdemeanor burglary
- Felony drug possession
- Felony possession for sale of marijuana
- Misdemeanor grand theft
- Misdemeanor DUI of minor
Reduced to wet reckless
- Misdemeanor DUI
Reduced to wet reckless
- Misdemeanor vandalism
- Felony drug possession and resisting arrest
- Misdemeanor Hit and Run
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Petty Theft
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor under the influence of controlled substance
Case expunged
Case Reduced to Wet Reckless
- Misdemeanor Assault and Battery
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Burglary
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Petty Theft
Case Dismissed
Case Reduced to Wet Reckless
Case Reduced to Wet Reckless
Case Reduced to Wet Reckless
- Juvenile Speeding/Violation of Provisional License
Case Dismissed
- Felony Theft of $800,000.00
No State Prison/Credit for Time Served
- Misdemeanor Possession of Alcohol Under 21
Case Dismissed/No Driver’s License Suspension
- Misdemeanor Battery Against Cohabitant
Case Dismissed
- Felony Unlawful Possession of Controlled Substance
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Petty Theft
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Burglary
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Battery
Case Dismissed
- Felony Perjury
Case Dismissed
- Traffic Point Matter
Case Dismissed
- Juvenile Misdemeanor Burglary
Case Dismissed
- Felony DUI with 3 Priors
180 days OCJ and Alcohol Program
- Felony Vandalism
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Petty theft
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Fraudulent Use of Access Card & False Personation
Case Dismissed
Case Dismissed
- Passenger Under 21 in Possession of Alcohol in a Vehicle
Case Dismissed/ No Driver’s License Suspension
- Misdemeanor Battery Against Cohabitant
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Assault and Battery
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Juvenilia Conspiracy/Theft/Vehicle Tampering
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Petty Theft
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor wet reckless
Case expunged
- Felony Possession of a Controlled Substance
Case Dismissed
- Driving on a Suspended License and Failure to Appear
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Minor Driving with BAC of .05% or more
Case Dismissed
- Misdemeanor Juvenile in Possession of Alcohol
Case Dismissed
Case reduced to Wet Reckless
Case reduced to Wet Reckless
- Driving the Wrong Way on a Divided Highway
Case Dismissed
- DUI with 2 Priors
No Jail Time, DUI Court