Law Office of Michael L. Fell
900 Roosevelt Irvine, CA 92620
(949) 585-9055

Ask a Domestic Violence Attorney in Irvine CA to Learn Defense Options to Charges of Corporal Injury on a Spouse

Whether you are facing charges or have only been accused of corporal injury on a spouse, it is important to contact a domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA as soon as possible. Keep reading to learn some of the most common defense options we might offer, then contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 for a free legal consultation.

You Have Been Falsely Accused

It is common for a domestic dispute to be heated. It is normal for there to be anger and spite. Your spouse might have called the police out of anger in an effort to punish you. The sad truth is that this happens all too often. If this is the case, then your domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA will fight to show that the allegations you are facing are false and insist that the charges are dismissed.

Your Actions Were in Self-Defense

If you were defending yourself or another person, then your domestic violence attorney in Irvine CA might be able to prove this to show that you had a legal defense. You have the legal right to defend yourself and others if they are being attacked. You can use the amount of force that is legally required based on the specific circumstances you were facing.

In order to be legally considered self-defense, the court must be convinced that you reasonably believed you were in danger of injury or death, that you reasonably believed that using force was necessary to prevent the danger, and that you did not use more force than was required to end the threat. For example, if someone is coming at you with a gun, then using deadly force would be reasonable. If they are coming at you with a plastic bat, then deadly force is not likely required to stop them.

It Was an Accident

It is a part of human nature that in heated moments, people will occasionally lose track of their surroundings and make a mistake. It might be that you were walking toward your spouse and they missed a step and fell down the stairs. Perhaps you threw an object out of anger, but it bounced from the area you threw it to hit your partner. This requires that your criminal defense attorney in Irvine CA proves that you did not have the intent to hurt anyone.

If you have been accused of or charged with corporal injury on a spouse, you should contact Law Office of Michael L. Fell at (949) 585-9055 for a free legal consultation as soon as possible. We are compassionate, understanding, and fiercely protective of our clients. Call now and let us get started.