DUI of Drugs
Get aggressive representation for your DUI of drugs case from Michael L. Fell.
With a DUI of alcohol there is a clear, legal standard of what constitutes “impaired,” namely a BAC of 0.08. With a DUI of drugs, there is no such standard. This is actually an advantage for individuals accused of DUI of drugs, because it makes it much harder for the prosecution to prove the charge.
You know what else makes prosecuting a DUI of drugs harder?
When the defendant hires Michael L. Fell as their defense attorney.
Michael L. Fell has extensive experience in criminal law. For over 18 years, he prosecuted cases as a Orange County Senior Deputy District Attorney. He is now a California State Certified Criminal Law Specialist, defending those accused of DUI of drugs. All of this experience has prepared him to quickly identify and undermine the weakest points of the prosecution’s case.
Attorney Fell handles all kinds of DUI of drugs cases, including those involving:
- Illegal drugs
- Medical marijuana
- Prescription drugs
- Over-the-counter medications
Often, with Attorney Fell on your side an extremely beneficial outcome to your DUI of drugs case can be achieved, such as a dismissal of the charge or a reduced penalty.
Remember: Field Sobriety Tests Can Be Challenged
If you are stopped on suspicion of DUI of drugs, you will be examined by a specially trained law enforcement officer known as a Drug Recognition Expert. He or she will most likely ask you to perform various field sobriety tests designed to assess your mental and physical impairment.
All too often, individuals accused of DUI of drugs assume that if they fail these tests, they should just go ahead and plead guilty.
This is not true!
Field sobriety tests are notoriously unreliable, and there is a good chance that Attorney Fell can argue that your poor performance on the test was due to fatigue, anxiety, or even a medical condition, not drug impairment. If enough doubt is cast on the field sobriety tests—and other aspects of the DRE’s testimony—you may be able to beat the charge.
Don’t Wait and See What the Prosecution Will Do. Call Attorney Fell Now.
The best way to respond to allegations of DUI of drugs is to contact Michael L. Fell for expert help right away. This will enable him to act quickly to preserve evidence and protect your rights. Call (949) 585-9055 now to learn more.